Patent-pending, edge computing based tunneling technology
- DMo is enabled by the innovative and patented edge computing technology at the backend
- This patented technology has distinct intellectual properties in the following areas:
- The host device’s computing power is utilized to convert the device into a communication server
- The host’s device instantly builds secure digital tunnel(s) with other DMo activated device(s)
- The tunnel is connected from point to point without passing through any intermediate server during data transfer
- The connection is based on a proprietary system of application ID which are different from the commonly deployed public IP addresses
- The connection can be made over hotspot in additional to Internet and WiFi
- The data are transferred across the tunnel with networking protocol which transcends various operating systems commonly used by computing or smartphone devices
- The technology automatically detects and synchronizes DMo peers across various local area networks, and with or without Internet
- More features are in the R&D pipeline and will be added into the DMo app